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800kr: -13% rabatt på Horze & B Vertigo 1.400kr: -18% rabatt på Horze & B Vertigo
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Agrobs Naturmineral is rich in important minerals, vitamins and trace elements. Administered daily, even small doses help compensate for feed deficiencies. Normal hay-cereal feeds often don't provide an adequate supply of important vitamins and trace elements like vitamin E and selenium for muscle maintenance, brewer's yeast for healthy gut flora, B vitamins, zinc and biotin for healthy skin, coat and hooves. Agrobs Naturmineral fills these gaps and balances poor calcium-phosphorous ratios in cereal fees through a natural source of calcium – in this case seaweed. With Pre Alpin dried green fibres and no added molasses, Agrobs Naturmineral meets all requirements for a balanced equine diet. High-quality oils including black seed oil, sunflower oil, and linseed oil provide valuable fatty acids and support your horse's good health. Agrobs Naturmineral is suitable for all horse breeds. Naturmineral's low starch and sugar content and absence of cereals in the composition makes it also ideal for horses susceptible to metabolic issues or allergies.
Mineraltilskudd for hester, ingredienser: Pre Alpin® tørkede grønne fibre*, dikalciumfosfat (i mineralform), kalk fra sjøalger, presset eple, linfrø, salt, magnesium fumarate, magnesiumoksid, oljemiks (linfrø, solsikke, legesvartkarve), algemel , gjær og gjærekstrakt, eplsesirup. Råprotein 8,50%, råoljer og fett 7,40%, råfiber 7,10%, rå aske 45,00%, HCl uløselig aske 5,00%, kalsium 5,10%, fosfor 1,43%, magnesium 3,82%, natrium 2,02%, stivelse 3,70%, sukker 6,70 %, metaboliserbar energi 6,95 ME MJ / kg. Vitamin A (3a672a) 50.000 IE, vitamin D3 (3a671) 50.000 IE, vitamin E (3a700) 4500 mg, vitamin B1 (3a821) 450 mg, vitamin B2 / riboflavin (3a825i) 500 mg, vitamin B6 / pyridoksinhydroklorid (3a831) 250 mg, vitamin B12 / cyanokobalamin 2500 mcg, kalsium D-pantotenat (3a841) 600mg, niacin (3a314) 1200mg, kolinklorid (3a890) 280mg, folsyre (3a316) 140mg, biotin (3a880) 10.000mcg, jern som jern (II) sulfat -Monohydrat (3b103) 200 mg, kobber som kobber (II) sulfatpentahydrat (3b405) og kobber (II) glycinchelathydrat (3b413) 500 mg, mangan som mangan (II) sulfat, monohydrat (3b503) og glycin Mangan -chelathydrat ( 3b506) 700 mg, sink som sinksulfat, monohydrat (3b605) og glycin sinkkelathydrat (3b607) 4000 mg, selen som selengjær fra Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM I-3060, inaktivert (3b810) 10 mg, kobolt som kobolt (II) 3b302) 50 mg, jod som kalsiumjodat, vannfri (3b202) 10 mg. Teknologisk tilsetningsstoff: silika (E551c) 4000 mg.
Produkt-ID: 987991