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Pavo DailyFit is a healthy and easy to feed balancer bar for your horse or pony. In addition to all the important vitamins and trace elements, it also gives extra resistance-supporting flowers and herbs to support your horse's overall health. It is grain-free and low in sugar and starch. Just one bar a day will provide your horse with its daily maintenance needs, while half a bar suffices for ponies. Pavo DailyFit is ideal for horses and ponies that receive little or no concentrate feed.
Inneholder: gress / timotei / eplemasse / solsikkeekstrakt / sukkerrørmelasse / linfrø / erter / blandede urter / ølgjær / kalsiumkarbonat / monokalsiumfosfat / natriumklorid (salt). Analytiske ingredienser: Råprotein 14,5%. råfett 4%, råfiber 18,5%, råaske 15%, sukker 8,5%, stivelse 4,5%, kalsium 2,4%, fosfor 0,6%, natrium 0,3%, kalium 1,4%, magnesium 0,2%. Tilsetningsstoffer per kg: Vitamin A (3a672a) 19,000 IU Kobber (3b409) dikobberklorid trihydroksid 600 mg Vitamin D3 (3a671) 26,600 IU Sink (3b609) Sinkklorid hydroksyd monohydrat 1,900 mg Vitamin E (3a700) all-rac-alfa-tokoferylacetat 4,560 IU Mangan (3b505) chelat av proteinhydrolysater712,5 mg Vitamin B1 (3a821) 305 mg Mangan (3b503) Mangan(II)sulfat, monohydrat 2.138 mg Vitamin B2 (3a825ii) 305 mg Selen (3b811) Organisk selen produsert av Saccharomyces cerevisiae NCYC R397 (inaktivert selengjær) 1,875 mg Niacinamid (3a315) 780 mg Selen (3b801) natriumselenitt 5,625 mg Pantotensyre (3a841) 295 mg Jod (3b202) Kalsiumjodat, vannfritt 23 mg Vitamin B6 (3a831) 190 mg D-biotin (vitamin B8) (3a880) 15,200 mcg Folsyre (vitamin B11) (3a316) 170 mg Kolin (3a890) 665 mg Vitamin C (3a300) 3,800 mg.
Produkt-ID: W91FB