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Cavalor Artitec, 2 liter

3.070,00 kr
Pris inkl. MVA ekskl. Fragt
2 l (1.535,00 kr / l)
900 kr: -13% rabatt på Horze & B Vertigo
1.600 kr: -18% rabatt på Horze & B Vertigo
Kopier kode: RIDER2025
Spar fra 900kr kjøpsverdi 13% på Horze og B Vertigo. Spar fra 1600kr kjøpsverdi spar 18% på Horze og B Vertigo. Kan ikke kombineres med andre kuponger. Hvis du returnerer en eller flere varer, refunderer vi den forholdsmessig reduserte verdien av varene. Gjelder ikke ekskluderte produkter (informasjon på produktsidene). Gyldig til og med 10.03.2025.
Farge: Ikke spesifisert
Ikke spesifisert Cavalor Artitec, 2 liter
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Methylsulfonylmethaan (MSM): organic form of sulphur. Sulphur is important for muscles, joints, cartilage, bones and blood; MSM is the best bioavailable source of sulphur that can be absorbed. Glucosamine, chondroitin sulphate and hyaluronic acid: Glycosaminoglycans are important building blocks for ligaments, tendons, bones and synovia (joint fluid). The chondroitin sulphate used by Cavalor has a low molecular weight, which means that it can be easily absorbed by the horse. As with all other raw materials, quality is the benchmark for price and effectiveness here. Cavalor® selects raw materials with the highest active ingredient content. For example, chondroitin sulphate has an active ingredient content of 90 %. L-glutamine: A building block for glutathione, an antioxidant. Glutathione is important for the healing process in case of injury. The secret is the blend - a complex mixture of herbal ingredients special herbal blend, including Ananas comosus, Curcuma longa, Boswellia serrata and Ribes nigrum. The ingredients in this blend have a complementary and synergistic effect that has been scientifically proven. Among other things, the herbal mixture ensures that the ingredients easily reach the joint. Again, Cavalor pays great attention to the quality of the raw materials, which with herbs makes a real difference in terms of guaranteed concentration and effect. The form of curcuma used, for example, contains 95% of curcuminoids, the active ingredient.


  • Glukosamin, kondroitinsulfat, hyaluronsyre: Glykosaminoglykaner er viktige
  • Byggesteiner for ligamenter, sener, bein og ledd (leddvæske).
  • Hyaluronsyre
  • Urtemiks: Spesialisert urtemiks, satt sammen basert på vitenskapelig litteratur. Disse urtene har
  • En synergieffekt

Teknisk beskrivelse:

Sammensetning: MSM 38 100 mg/kg, glukosamin 139 300 mg/kg, kondroitinsulfat 24 800 mg/kg, hyaluronsyre 1 000 mg/kg, L-glutamin 12 700 mg/kg, Ananasus comosus 16,0 kg, 1490 mg/kg, curmin0 mg/0 kg, curmin0 mg/0 kg. serrata 76.200 mg/kg, solbær 25.400 mg/kg.

Produkt-ID: 326412
