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Cavalor Oilmega, 10l

3.049,00 kr
Pris inkl. MVA ekskl. Fragt
10 l (304,90 kr / l)
Kopier kode: HORZE2025-APP
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The administration of oils such as corn oil or linseed oil is very popular as they provide a shiny coat and more energy. Cavalor OilMega is not just any oil, it is a combination of different vegetable oils including virgin linseed oil, soybean oil and flaxseed oil. Linseed oil, soybean oil and flaxseed oil, which ensures an optimal ratio between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Is achieved. Vitamin E is added to these oils. Vitamin E prevents the oxidation of the fatty acids so that they remain effective for longer. The more fat a horse's feed ration contains, the more vitamin E it needs. By adding vitamin E directly to the oil, you prevent a deficiency in the horse.


  • Balanced blend of fatty acids and NAB (natural antibiotics).
  • Ensures healthy intestinal flora and additional support for the immune system
  • Rich in omega 3 and 6 fatty acids + high in vitamin E for good condition

Teknisk beskrivelse:

Sammensetning: Linolje, rapsolje, soyaolje, vegetabilske fettsyrer. Tilsetningsstoffer per kg: Vit E all-rac-alfa-tokoferolacetat 4500mg. Analytiske bestanddeler: Fuktighet 3,3 % Råfett 97,5 % Råprotein 0 % Råfiber 0 % Råaske 0 % Natrium 0 % Omega 3 34 % Omega 6 3,8 % Omega 9 24 %.

Produkt-ID: 25480
